Local Memorandum of Understanding
between the
United States Postal Service ~ Cortland, NY
and the
American Postal Workers Union, AFL-CIO
Central New York Area Local
- Article 1: General Provisions
1.1 Union-Management Cooperation page
1.2 Curtailment of Operations
1.3 Light Duty Assignments
1.4 Wash-up Time
1.5 Parking
1.6 Definitions of Sections and Seniority
- Article 2: Annual Leave
Article 3: Scheduling
- 2.1 General Provisions
3.1 Regular Schedules
- 2.2 Choice Vacations
3.2 Posting and Bidding
- 2.3 Incidental Leave Requests
3.3 Overtime Scheduling
This Local Memorandum of Understanding for the Cortland, NY Post Office is agreed to effective April 15, 1996.
For the United States Postal Service:
For the American Postal Workers Union:
Daniel P. Jerose, Postmaster
Michael La Point, President
Article 1: General Provisions
1.1 Union-Management Cooperation (Item 21)
- A. The Steward or Area Vice-President shall be consulted prior to permanent changes in employee staffing and scheduling.
1.2 Curtailment of Operations (Item 3)
- A. The telephone or radio announcements shall be used to notify affected employees of the curtailment of postal operations, the Steward or Area Vice President shall be notified as soon as feasible.
- B. Employees stranded at work shall be given every reasonable consideration by the employer as to needs and comforts.
- C. Procedures for emergency evacuation due to fires or bomb threats shall be conspicuously posted. In determining an employees ability to report to work, consideration shall be given to governmental directives.
- D. Curtailment of local service or termination of same shall be left to the judgment of the Postmaster or designee.
1.3 Light Duty Assignments (Items 15, 16 and 17)
- A. There will be one light duty assignment within each craft reserved for temporary or permanent light duty. The area vice President or President shall be consulted prior to the reassignment of any light or limited duty employee to or from any APWU craft.
- B. When the need arises for light or limited duty, a special meeting shall be called between management and the employee's organization as to what the light or limited duty assignment will be. This meeting shall be for the express purpose to take into consideration reasons for the employee's disability. Every effort shall be made so that no regularly assigned member of the regular work force will be adversely affected.
1.4 Wash-up Policy (Item 1)
- Employees shall be allowed reasonable wash-up time in accordance with established practice and Article 8.9 of the National Agreement.
1.5 Parking (Item 19)
- A. All reasonable efforts will be made to maintain free parking for all employees.
- B. All available parking designated by the Postmaster, shall be available on a first-come, first served basis, except where reserved by this memorandum or previously established practices.
1.6 Definitions of Sections and Seniority (Item 18)
- Each craft shall be a separate section for all purposes.
Article 2: Annual Leave
2.1 General Provisions for Annual Leave (Items 5,6,7,10,and 11)
- A. Vacation rosters shall be broken into Monday through Sunday weeks.
- B. Employees may at their option make one continuous selection or two non-consecutive selections.
- C. The official notice to each employee of the approved vacation schedule will be by posting the official vacation chart with a copy furnished to the APWU.
- D. On November 1st, a notice will be posted notifying employees of the beginning date of the new leave year.
- E. Monday shall be designated as the beginning day of an employee's vacation period.
2.2 Choice Vacations (Items 4,8,9 and 12).
- A. The choice vacation period shall be from the first full week in January until the last full week in November.
- B. A chart shall be prepared listing all weeks in the leave year with Monday through Sunday dates utilized.
- C. On the first Monday in December, a chart of employees in order of seniority in groups of three will be posted.
- D. The number of vacation slots that will be available in each week shall be at 18.5% of all regular and PTF positions. In applying the above percentages, product decimals shall be rounded to the nearest whole number and even half numbers rounded up. Additionally, for the first selection process only, the last full week in June to the end of the second full week in August; Memorial Day week; Labor Day week and Thanksgiving Day week, one more vacation slot will be available over the established percentage.
- E. On the fourth Monday in December, employees will have three days in which to make their choice period selection in accordance with Article 10, Section 3.D.1& 2.
- F. After all employees have made their selection(s), the choice period selection is complete.
- G. Applications for full weeks of Annual Leave for other than the choice period will be processed for up to the total number of weeks earned in the leave year by each employee. One additional for those earning 20 days and two additional for those earning 26 days. The approved choice vacation chart shall be circulated the second time in order of seniority with each employee having one day to make their additional selection(s). Any time selected on either pass of the vacation roster may be canceled by the employee two weeks prior to the scheduled week.
- H. Employees who are called for court service during their scheduled choice period vacation may make another selection from the remaining available weeks.
2.3 Incidental Requests (Items 8 and 12)
- A. Attendance at APWU National and State Conventions will be negotiated annually prior to the choice vacation period.
- B. Additional leave may be selected by using PS Form 3971 in duplicate, and submitted on or after February 1, and acted upon in chronological order with seniority breaking ties. This additional leave is not guaranteed.
- C. Employees having special needs requiring advance commitments must document the special circumstances with their supervisor. Efforts will be made to accommodate these special needs at that time, and the employee will be notified within forty eight (48) hours.
- D. Disapproved 3971's shall be maintained showing the date and time submitted, and, should leave become available, it shall be granted in the order it was requested.
Article 3: Scheduling
3.1 Regular Schedules (Item 2)
- A. All regular positions shall have fixed non-scheduled days, except those rotational schedules previously established.
3.2 Posting and Bidding (Items 22)
A. All job postings shall be posted for a minimum of ten calendar days, unless canvassed; postings of awards shall be made within two business days of the close of posting; the Union shall be provided with copies of job postings and awards, including canvassing, and PT conversions.
B. Wherever practicable, bidding within a unit shall be accomplished by canvassing eligible employees in order of seniority; canvassing shall consist of circulating a written description of the vacant position, with spaces for employees to sign indicating that they are accepting or declining the position.
C. Successful bidders or applicants, including PTF's being converted to regular, shall be assigned or detailed to their new positions on the Saturday following award; assignment may be delayed with the consent of the Steward or Area Vice-President.
D. Bid positions shall be reposted if:
1. The non-scheduled days are changed;
2. The reporting time on any day is changed by more than one hour and one half hours;
3. The duties are changed by more than 50% in the clerk craft, or 25% in any other craft;
4. Measurement of all such changes shall be cumulative, based on the position as last awarded.
3.3 Overtime Scheduling (Item 14)
- A. Each craft shall be a separate section.
- B. The overtime desired lists shall be conspicuously posted, and a copy provided to the Steward or Area Vice-President.
- C. Prior to using mandatory overtime, management will make reasonable efforts to solicit volunteers with the necessary skills from the overtime mandatory list.
- D. Except in unforeseeable circumstances, employees shall be:
- 1. Notified forty-eight hours in advance of working a non-scheduled day;
- 2. Notified one hour in advance of working each hour over eight hours, including notification of the general anticipated
- duration of The overtime;
- 3. Given an opportunity to notify their families, make calls for transportation, etc.
E. Management reserves the right to cancel pre-scheduled overtime when workload or staffing dictates.
3.4 Holiday Scheduling (Item 13)
Employees shall be scheduled for holidays, subject to necessary skills, in the following order:
- 3. Volunteers whose designated holiday it is, by seniority;
- 4. Transitional Employees;
- 5. Overtime desirees whose non-scheduled day it is, by rotation of the list;
- 6. Volunteers for overtime, other than desirees, by seniority;
- 7. Mandatorily scheduling employees for overtime, by rotation of the list;
- 8. Mandatorily scheduling employees for their designated holiday, by juniority.