This page is for us to have a single location to gather information and updates on the Coronavirus - Covid19, especially as it relates to us on the Postal Service.
This is a very interesting animated video for people of all ages that explains what actually happens inside the body. 
​Last updated 1-13-21
I'm putting the Postal notices at the bottom so I can keep adding to the list as they put more information out, without having to keep moving everything.
General Information on Novel Coronavirus Covid-19
Sorry, I thought I had this FAQ on the site from 3-20 but it had been missed. 
Note the following represents the APWU's position/interpretation only. They are working with the USPS to reach agreement. 
The following three documents are the most recent USPS Documents released on Emergency Sick Leave and the Expanded Family and Medical Leave Act as of 4-14-20. (Earlier FAQ removed as this is an update.)